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Carol Ann Kennedy

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Thank you LA Shorts for giving my precious little Zumbido a nod. Zumbido was inspired by a girl that used to sit next to me in 4th grade.  She had, what I thought at the time,  was the strangest disease – misophonia. And she had this particular aversion to the sound of water – any water.  Rain, faucets, dripping sinks, kids jumping in puddles, all of it would send her into a blood-thirsty rage. The film is meant to be raw, with disturbing sounds, music and themes.  If you look closely you will see a few hidden elements (nod to Kubrick).

FINALS: Hell Week 

Finals: Hell Week (aka ‘Hell’), is based on a real experience that happened to me during my senior year in college (it actually made the local news).  It’s a phenomenal story, full of creepiness and big on bizarre.  

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